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AllocatePtyDetermines if terminal is allocated on the server.
AuthenticationDetermines which authentication type is used.
ChannelsChannels Class
ClientNameDetermines client name that will be used with the server during initial exchange.
CompressionDetermines the level of compression used.
EncryptionDetermines the level of compression used.
EncryptionListDetermines list of encryption algorithms supported and offered by wodSSHTunnel.
FIPSSpecifies FIPS enabled OpenSSL configuration to load.
HMacListDetermines list of digest algorithms supported and offered by wodSSHTunnel.
HostnameDetermines the Hostname of the remote server.
KeyExchangeListDetermines list of key exchange algorithms supported and offered by wodSSHTunnel.
KeySignatureListDetermines list of server key signature algorithms supported and offered by wodSSHTunnel.
LoginDetermines the username/login to be used with the server.
MyHostnameHolds the hostname of the local computer.
MyIPHolds the IP address of the local computer.
NotificationFast notification interface to use instead of events.
PasswordDetermines the password to be used with the server.
PortDetermines the port on the remote server where wodSSHTunnel will connect.
PrivateKeyPrivate key used for authentication.
ProtocolDetermines which protocol to use for the connection.
ProxyHostnameSpecifies the hostname of the proxy to use.
ProxyLoginSpecifies the login/username to use when connecting to a proxy server.
ProxyPasswordSpecifies the password to use when connecting to a proxy server.
ProxyPortSpecifies the password to use when connecting to a proxy server.
ProxyTypeSpecifies the port to use when connecting to a proxy server.
RemoteIdentificationHolds the remote identification string.
StateHolds current state information.
StateTextProvides a string expression of a state.
ThreadsDetermines if socket code is executed in a separate thread.
TimeoutPeriod before inactive channels are disconnected.
UseIPv6Determines if IPv6 addresses are allowed.
VersionHolds version information.

