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UseIPv6 property

Determines if IPv6 addresses are allowed.


A Boolean value. When set to True, methods are UseIPv6.


  • Basic
object.UseIPv6 [= value]
The UseIPv6(object,value) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodSSH.
valueA Boolean value.


UseIPv6 UseIPv6 determines if component will accept IPv6 addresses when trying to connect to remote server. It will accept both numeric values, such as


but also fully qualified hostnames that resolve to such IPv6 addresses, such as

When you supply Hostname, component will first try to determine if IPv4 was entered, and then if it fails IPv6.

In order to use IPv6, your version of Windows needs to support it. To install it on Windows XP, right-click on your 'network connection interface' icon, select 'Properties', and then check if

      Microsoft TCP/IP version 6

is listed. If not, click on 'Install' button, choose 'Protocol' and then locate above from the list. If IPv6 stack is not installed on the computer, this property is ignored.

Here's screenshot of where to find it:

