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ShowStdErrorMessages property

Determines if server's STDERR messages are received.


A Boolean value. Determines if STDERR messages are shown.


  • Basic
object.ShowStdErrorMessages [= value]
The ShowStdErrorMessages(object,value) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodSSH.
valueA Boolean value.


SSH servers have a common way of sending the results of your commands through Standard Output (STDOUT). These results are redirected to wodSSH and fired through events so that applications can consume them. However, servers also provide a way of sending additional (error messages) through Standard Error (STDERR) which is, by default, ignored by wodSSH. If you also want to receive such messages, you should set this property to True.

For example, when you login to a remote server, most of them send your basic environment information through STDERR. If you set this property to true before connecting, you will receive this information.

