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Send method

Sends data to the server.




  • Basic
object.Send Data
The Send(object,Data) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodSSH.
DataRequired. A Variant value. Data to be sent to the server.


The Send method is used to send arbitrary data to the server during the connection. Depending on the protocol currently in use, wodSSH will internally change data to ensure that it will be received correctly at the remote end. For example, if SSH protocol is used it will encrypt the data.

The Data parameter can be one of following types: Boolean, Integer, Long, String, Byte array. wodSSH will internally 'convert' it to a structure suitable for transport.

Any amount of data can be transmitted by one call to the Send method - although it is suggested that no more than 64k should be sent in one call. Instead, use the Send method several times so that internal buffers can be properly initialized. This is important for SSH protocol types.

