Back to product page
- Introduction
- Overview
- License Agrement
- Getting Started
- Objects
- Enumerations
- wodSSH
- Methods
- Properties
- AllocatePty
- Authentication
- Blocking
- ClientName
- Columns
- Command
- Compression
- DataOut
- DataReady
- Encoding
- Encryption
- EncryptionList
- ErrorText
- ExitSignal
- ExitStatus
- ForwardHost
- ForwardPort
- HMacList
- Hostname
- KeepAlives
- KeyExchangeList
- KeyForward
- KeySignatureList
- LastError
- Login
- MyHostname
- MyIP
- Notification
- Password
- Port
- PrivateKey
- Prompt
- Protocol
- ProxyHostname
- ProxyLogin
- ProxyPassword
- ProxyPort
- ProxyType
- RemoteIdentification
- Rows
- ShowStdErrorMessages
- State
- StateText
- StripANSI
- StripNull
- Subsystem
- TerminalSpeed
- TerminalType
- Timeout
- UseIPv6
- Version
- Events
- IwodSSHNotify
- How to get support?
- Technical information
- Fast notifications interface
- Error list
About | Displays the About box. |
Connect | Connects to the remote server. |
Disconnect | Disconnects from the remote server. |
Execute | Executes a blocking method and waits for it to complete. |
Peek | Receives incoming data without removing it from the buffer. |
PeekLine | Receives an incoming line without removing it from the buffer. |
Receive | Receives data from the server. |
ReceiveLine | Receives a line of text, if available. |
Send | Sends data to the server. |
SendBreak | Sends BREAK command to the server. |
SendEOF | Send an EOF packet to the server. |
WaitFor | Waits and reads data until a specific pattern is found. |