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AboutDisplays aboutbox.
ConnectConnects to the server.
DisconnectDisconnects from the server with a message.
ExecuteExecutes blocking method and waits until it completes.
MultiWaitForWaits and reads data until any of patterns is found.
PeekReceives incoming text without removing it from the buffer.
PeekDataReceives incoming data without removing it from the buffer.
PeekLineReceives incoming line without removing it from the buffer.
PlayPlay previously recorded session.
ReceiveReads text received from the server.
ReceiveDataReads binary data received from the server.
ReceiveLineReceives line of text, if available.
RecordStart recording current session.
SendSends data to the server.
SendEOFSends EOF packet to the server.
StateTextReturns string expression that represents (current) state.
WaitForWaits and reads data until pattern is found.

