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StateText function

Provides a string expression describing a state.


A Long value. If successful, 0 is returned, otherwise error as specified here


  • C
long Sftp_GetStateText(void *Sftp, StatesEnum State, char *Buffer, int *Bufsize);
The StateText(void *Sftp,StatesEnum State,char *Buffer,int *Bufsize) syntax has these parts:
void *SftpHandle of the created Sftp instance.
StatesEnum StateRepresents a state.
char *BufferBuffer that will hold the returned string.
int *BufsizeSize of the buffer.


The StateText function will return a text description of a value supplied by the State parameter.

For a list of possible states, please see the StatesEnum page.

The Bufsize variable should contain the maximum data length that can be stored in the Buffer variable. If you set Bufsize = 0, then the function will return with error ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER and Bufsize will contain the required buffer size.

