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DoneEvent event

Fires when initiated method has completed.


  • C#
  • VB.NET
delegate void DoneDelegate(object Sender, DoneArgs Args);
The DoneEvent(Args.Error) syntax has these parts:
Args.ErrorException. Error that occurred during last method's execution, if NULL if no error occurred.

Delegate Sub DoneDelegate(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal Args As WeOnlyDo.Client.SFTP.DoneArgs)
The DoneEvent(Args.Error) syntax has these parts:
Args.ErrorException. Error that occurred during last method's execution, if NULL if no error occurred.


For each method issued by the user (MakeDir, ListDir, DeleteFile...) this event will be fired to determine that method has completed, and that it was (successfully) executed. If error occurred, Error argument will contain non-zero error code that determines the error.

You can use this event for automated requests. As soon as you initiate some method, and this event is fired, you can initiate new method immediately.

If you use blocking methods, do not initiate new commands from within this event, or everything will block!

