Activated |
Determines if Pop3 server is activated or not. |
BindIP |
Determines local interface address that is
listening. |
Certificate |
Holds private certificate/private key information. |
GoodbyeMessage |
Holds goodbye message sent to user when
disconnecting. |
GreetingMessage |
Holds greeting message sent to user upon
connection. |
EnableAPOP |
Determines if APOP authentication is supported. |
MyHostname |
Holds hostname of local computer. |
MyIP |
Holds IP address of local computer. |
Notification |
Fast notification interface to use instead of
events. |
Port |
Determines port number used for listening. |
Security |
Determines if SSL is used. |
Threads |
Determines if users are running in separate threads. |
Timeout |
Timeout value, in seconds. |
UseIPv6 |
Determines if wodPop3Server uses IPv6 protocol. |
Users |
Holds reference to collection of currently
connected users. |
Version |
Holds version information. |