wodPop3Server ActiveX Control - Item Property


References specific message in the collection.

Property type

A Pop3Message object.  Reference to requested Pop3Message object.



The Item Property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An expression evaluating to an object of type Pop3Messages.
Index Required. An Integer value. Index of the message in the collection.


This is readonly property that is used to get reference (to access) of some message from collection of all messages for the user. Once you add new message to the collection (either using Filename parameter or without it), new Pop3Message object will be created and all information regarding that message will be stored there. You can access message's properties and change those values at will, although you shouldn't do it after user starts reading messages because it may confuse the client.

Usually Item keyword can be left out from command because it's default (enumerator) property.

Please note that, unlike other collections in VB, indexes start from 0 and go up to Count-1. So, first user has Index=0.