wodPop3 ActiveX Control - Received Event


Fires when wodPOP3 component finishes receiving the message.


Private Sub object_Received(Message, HeadersOnly)

The Received Event syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object A wodPop3 object.
Message A Pop3Msg object. Reference to the message that was received.
HeadersOnly A Boolean value. Specifies if only headers were received (True), or full message body (False).


Received event is fired when wodPop3 finishes receiving message, or message headers. It is fired as result of Get, GetHeaders, GetLines,   GetAll, GetAllHeaders and GetAllLines methods. Usually, if only one message was received (through Get and GetHeaders), Done event will be fired immediately after this event. If multiple messages are being received, then Received event will be fired after each message, and Done will be fired only once - when complete job is finished.

You should always wait for Done event to execute other method.