wodMailbox ActiveX Control - Message Object

Holds all available information about the message, or message part.

Object Model

Load Loads complete message to memory.
Peek Loads message partially for fast access.
Save Copies message to file on disk.
Unload Unloads message from memory.

Attachments Read-only property References collection of attachments for the message.
BCC Read-write property Holds blind carbon copy recipients.
Body Read-write property Holds complete body of message, including headers.
Bytes Read-only property Holds total number of bytes in the message.
CC Read-write property Holds carbon copy recipients.
Changed Read-only property Determines if application changed message, or it is still intact.
ContentDescription Read-write property Holds Content-Description header.
ContentDisposition Read-write property Holds Content-Disposition header.
ContentID Read-write property Holds Content-ID header.
ContentTransferEncoding Read-write property Holds Content-Transfer-Encoding header.
ContentType Read-write property Holds Content-Type header.
Date Read-write property Holds message Date, if available.
DecodedText Read-only property Holds decoded body (without headers), with defined encoding type.
EndPosition Read-only property Holds ending position of message in mailbox.
From Read-write property Holds sender of the message.
FromEmail Read-only property Returns Email of the sender, if found.
FromName Read-only property Returns Name of the sender, if found.
Headers Read-only property References collection of headers for the message.
HTMLText Read-only property Returns text/html part of the message.
Index Read-only property Holds index of the message in mailbox.
Lines Read-only property Holds total number of lines in the message.
MailInfo Read-write property Holds info about sender of the message.
MessageID Read-write property Holds Message-ID header.
MIMEVersion Read-write property Holds MIME-Version header.
Parts Read-only property References collection of parts for the message.
PartsBoundary Read-only property Holds boundary line used to split message parts.
PlainText Read-only property Returns text/plain part of the message.
Size Read-only property Holds size of message text, in bytes.
StartPosition Read-only property Holds starting position of message in mailbox.
Subject Read-write property Holds subject of the message.
Tag Read-write property Tag for miscellaneous use.
Text Read-write property Holds body (without headers).
To Read-write property Holds recipient of the message.
ToEmail Read-only property Returns Email of the recipiend, if found.
ToName Read-only property Returns Name of the recipient, if found.