wodMailbox ActiveX Control - HTMLText Property


Returns text/html part of the message.

Property type

A String value.  



The HTMLText Property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An expression evaluating to an object of type Message.


HTMLText property will return part of the message that has content-type of text/html. It could be whole message, but also any of its parts. wodMailbox will search through all message parts until it finds text/html part, and return it through this property.

In specific occasions, if ContentType is multipart/mixed, wodMailbox will go one level deeper and check if any of parts have ContentType of multipart/alternative - in which case HTML content will be searched among those parts. This is typical message with two parts (plaintext and html) and attachment.

If HTML content is encoded, wodMailbox will decode it before it returns it to you through this property.