wodMailbox ActiveX Control - CreateTextHtmlMessage Method


Creates multipart message.

Return Type



object.CreateTextHtmlMessage SaveAs, From, To, Subject, PlainText, HTMLText

The CreateTextHtmlMessage Method syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An expression evaluating to an object of type wodMailbox.
SaveAs Required. A String value. Holds filename where new generated message will be saved.
From Required. A String value. Specifies sender of the message.
To Required. A String value. Specifies recipient of the message.
Subject Required. A String value. Specifies message subject.
PlainText Required. A String value. Holds text/plain part of the message.
HTMLText Required. A String value. Holds text/html part of the message.


CreateTextHtmlMessage method is a one-line-command that can be used in your applications to create multipart email message that has two parts: plaintext and HTML, and save it to local file. You can add one or more attachments if needed using Attachments.Add method after you reopen this message with wodMailbox. You can also change message headers, or any other field necessary.

It is not required to use CreateTextHtmlMessage method to create such simple message - you can create similar message by yourself from scratch using appropriate properties and methods. By using this method, wodMailbox creates 'template' message and puts appropriate values to appropriate parts.

Do not forget to reopen this message, either by setting its name in Filename property and calling Lock method, or using Message.Peek method, in order to actually work with that message.