wodImapServer ActiveX Component - ReadMessage Method


Called when user wants to read a message.

Return Type



object.ReadMessage Owner, User, Folder, Message

The ReadMessage Method syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An expression evaluating to an object of type IwodImapNotify.
Owner Required. A wodImapServer object.
User Required. An ImapUser object. Reference to user who wants to read the message.
Folder Required. An ImapFolder object. Reference to folder that contains the message.
Message Required. An ImapMessage object. Reference to message that will be read by the user.

NOTE: This method is called only if you implemented IwodImapNotify interface in your application, and wodImapServer1.Notification property has received reference to instance of your implementation.

ReadMessage is called each time when wodImapServer accesses message body contents. Until that time, wodImapServer may have required some information about the message (such as size, flags, etc..) but not actual body. This is the place where you should load body if necessary, if you haven't done so yet.

Even after message body is accessed, it is possible that server does not read entire message at all - all of such actions (such as body structure parsing) are done on client's request. But - from this point on, message body is required to be accessible by wodImapServer.