wodImapServer ActiveX Component - FlagChange Method


Called when user changes message flag.

Return Type



object.FlagChange Owner, User, Folder, Message, NewFlags, OldFlags

The FlagChange Method syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An expression evaluating to an object of type IwodImapNotify.
Owner Required. A wodImapServer object.
User Required. An ImapUser object. Reference to user who changed flags.
Folder Required. An ImapFolder object. Reference to Folder where message is stored.
Message Required. An ImapMessage object. Reference to Message whose flags are changed.
NewFlags Required. An ImapMessageFlags enumeration, as described in settings. Combination of new flags set for the message.
OldFlags Required. An ImapMessageFlags enumeration, as described in settings. Combination of flags as they were previously set.


The settings for OldFlags and NewFlags are:

Constant Value Description
 Flagged 1 Message is flagged.
 Seen 2 Message is already seen.
 Answered 4 Message is already answered.
 Deleted 8 Message is deleted.
 Draft 16 Draft message.
 Recent 32 Message is recently added to mailbox.

NOTE: This method is called only if you implemented IwodImapNotify interface in your application, and wodImapServer1.Notification property has received reference to instance of your implementation.
This notification method is called when flags for the message change. You don't have to do anything in your code because new flags are kept in Message object and will be stored there as long as user is connected (so proper flags will be returned to user when he requests their list). However, you might want to store this change to disk (or wherever you keep message flags between sessions) so that when user disconnects you don't have to do this recursively.

You can always access Message.Flags property to determine flags for the message.