wodImapServer ActiveX Component - CreateFolder Method


Called when user wants to create subfolder.

Return Type



object.CreateFolder Owner, User, ParentFolder, Name, Action

The CreateFolder Method syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An expression evaluating to an object of type IwodImapNotify.
Owner Required. A wodImapServer object.
User Required. An ImapUser object. Reference to user who wants to create new folder.
ParentFolder Required. An ImapFolder object. Reference to folder where subfolder should be created.
Name Required. A String value. String expression that holds name for new folder.
Action Required. An ImapActions enumeration, as described in settings. Return value you should fill with either Allow or Deny value, depending if you will allow folder to be created or not.


The settings for Action are:

Constant Value Description
 Deny 0 Deny execution of the action.
 Allow 1 Allow to execute action.

NOTE: This method is called only if you implemented IwodImapNotify interface in your application, and wodImapServer1.Notification property has received reference to instance of your implementation.
CreateFolder notification method is called when user requests new folder to be created. This will usually happen when you define new users on your IMAP server. First time some user connects, his mail client will most probably immediately create INBOX, Drafts, Sent Items... folders, but perhaps also many more. Later on, users may create new folders as they require them so they can sort out received messages.

Each time such request comes from user, wodImapServer will call this notification method so you can physically create new folder and set properties for it. If you decide you don't want to create such folder (for example, due to illegal folder name), you can set Action = Deny and error will be returned to the client.

Please note that this notification is not called unless such specific request comes from the user.