wodImapServer ActiveX Component - Item Property


References specific user currently connected to Imap server.

Property type

An ImapUser object.  



The Item Property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An expression evaluating to an object of type ImapUsers.
Index Required. An Integer value.

This is readonly property that is used to get reference (to access) of some user from collection of all currently connected users. Once user connects to your server, new ImapUser object will be created and known information will be stored in that object, such as his hostname and time when he connected. Later on, as he issues new commands, more information is stored in that object, such as his username and password (if user provided them).

For instance, to get hostname of first user that connected to your server, you can use code like this:
Debug.Print wodImapServer1.Users.Item(0).HostName
or shorter
Debug.Print wodImapServer1.Users(0).HostName
As you can see, Item keyword can be left out from command because it's default property.

Please note that, unlike other collections in VB, indexes start from 0 and go up to Count-1. So, first user has Index=0 .