wodImapServer ActiveX Component - Folders Property


References collection of folders (with messages) for this user.

Property type

An ImapFolders object.  


[Set] object.Folders [= ImapFolders]

The Folders Property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An expression evaluating to an object of type ImapUser.
ImapFolders An ImapFolders object. Reference to collection of folders for the user.

As IMAP protocol specifies, each user can have unlimited number of folders (mailboxes) where he can keep his messages. INBOX is just one of them (place where new messages arrive), but user can create more folders and move messages among them (for whatever reason, typically for sorting them out).

Folders should be presented to you (and to the user) very similar as they exist on Windows OS - you can consider User.Folders to contain his root folders (once again, INBOX belongs here), but each of such folders can contain subfolders and so on.

This hierarchy can depend on your IMAP implementation - you can allow users to create folders, but you can also create it for him - although user can ignore some of those folders completely.