wodImapServer ActiveX Component - UID Property


Holds message unique ID.

Property type

A Long value.  


object.UID [= value]

The UID Property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An expression evaluating to an object of type ImapMessage.
value A Long value. Holds message unique ID.

As you already know, handling unique IDs for messages (in the same folder) and folders (for the same user) is one burden you'll have to carry over - and wodImapServer can only try to assist you in doing so.

In general, each message within same folder must have its UID (unique ID) which is never repeated again (in the same folder). Each newer message must have larger UID, so there cannot happen that you have newer message with smaller ID.

Since wodImapServer does not have a way of storing these UIDs by itself, you must do this in your code. When you Add new message to some folder, you should immediately also set message UID. If it's first time you're adding the message, you may give wodImapServer this task - it will assign new UID based on NextMessageUID property, but if you are adding message that is old (for example, new client session) you MUST give previously set UID - otherwise clients will see it as new message. This is very important!