wodImapServer ActiveX Component - GoodbyeMessage Property


Holds goodbye message sent to user when disconnecting.

Property type

A String value.  


object.GoodbyeMessage [= value]

The GoodbyeMessage Property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An expression evaluating to an object of type wodImapServer.
value A String value. Sequence sent to user before he disconnects from server.

Although this may not seem like an important property, together with GreetingMessage this is usually very nice place to put some name/version information about your server to end users. For instance, it's default value is 'WeOnlyDo! IMAP4 server version ...' and is visible to anyone that connects to your server. Once you make IMAP a service publicly accessible, change it to your server name, put hostname, put some info important to users that connect or something similar.