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Connect method

Connects to remote server.




  • Basic
object.Connect [Host], [Port]
The Connect(object,Host,Port) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodHttpDLX.
HostOptional. A Variant value. Specifies name or IP address of the server.
PortOptional. A Variant value. Specifies port on the server.


Before executing the Connect method, you must first set the Hostname property, or provide hostname information to Host argument.

The following sample will manually connect to WeOnlyDo's WEB server (code in VB):
wodHttp1.Blocking = True
wodHttp1.Hostname = ""
wodHttp1.Port = 80
If wodHttp1.LastError <> 0 Then
 MsgBox "Unsuccessful - Error:" & wodHttp1.LastError
End If

Please note that if a proxy is used to connect to a server and the connection fails for some reason, the possible cause is a rejected request by the proxy, or other proxy failures.

There is no need to explicitly call Connect method, since Get, Post, Put and other methods will do this for you.

NOTE: If host cannot be found (invalid hostname specified), or wodHttpDLX fails to connect to it, Disconnected event will be fired - Done will NOT be fired since actual HTTP protocol was not yet performed.

