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AutoRedirect property

Automatically follows redirections.


A Boolean value


  • Basic
object.AutoRedirect [= value]
The AutoRedirect(object,value) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodHttpDLX.
valueA Boolean value.


When AutoRedirect is set to True (it is set to True by default), if server points to redirected resource, wodHttpDLX will automatically send new requests for you in order to retrieve document you really intended to. Typically, redirection occurs as a result of 301 and 302 responses (Temporarily or Permanently moved documents). However - in order for authentication (especially NTLM) to work properly, this property also needs to be set to True!

In other words - if you enable this property, wodHttpDLX can send more than one request to the server (instead of you) to retrieve the document. If you set it to False - wodHttpDLX will do exactly what told by your commands, possibly with results you didn't really expected. So, using True is preferred value.

You would never know, but assuming that you need to grab resource on the server and you need to authenticate yourself to the proxy server (using NTLM authentication), and to grab resource from the web server that is password-protected, wodHttpDLX will issue 9 (NINE!) requests for you automatically - based on responses it gets from the (proxy?) server. Well - as a result of all of this you will get what you needed. So, we hope automation in wodHttpDLX will find it's place in your applications. Make sure you're prepared for numerous StateChange events to be fired in such cases.

