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HttpAuthentications enumeration

These are all possible authentication modes when connecting to restricted web resource, either on WEB server or on Proxy server.


AuthNone value means no authentication will be used or sent by wodHttpDLX. When AuthBasic is used, wodHttpDLX will send base64 encoded information contained in Login and Password (or ProxyLogin and ProxyPassword) properties. AuthNTLM mode sends sequence of challenges/respones with the (proxy) server in order to authenticate with the (proxy) server, but without ever sending plaintext password over insecure network. AuthDigest is used mostly with WebDAV servers. This type sends only one challenge/response, and password is never sent to the server in cleartext. Using AuthWindowsIntegrated currently logged in Windows user login and password will be used for NTLM authentication.

AuthAutomatic mode will try to get resource from the WEB without any authentication information sent. If request fails, it will then re-request it using stronger authentication mode available by the server (Digest, then NTLM , then Basic).

Constant Value Description
AuthNone0 No authentication
AuthAutomatic 1 Auto select authentication
AuthBasic2 Basic authentication
AuthNTLM 3 NTLM authentication
AuthDigest4 Digest authentication
AuthWindowsIntegrated 5 Windows Integrated authentication

