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ShowContextMenu event

Fires before user opens context menu.


  • Basic
Private Sub object_ShowContextMenu(PositionLo, PositionHi, TotalLo, TotalHi)
The ShowContextMenu(object,Item,Menu,HWND) syntax has these parts:
objectA wodFtpDLX object.
ItemA DirItem object. Reference to item where user performed right-click.
MenuA Long value. HMENU handle of the menu that will be shown.
HWNDA Long value. HWND handle of window that will receive menu messages.


Available only in ActiveX (GUI) version!

ShowContextMenu event is fired when user performs right-click trying to open context menus. At this point, you can define your own context menus if you don't want wodFtpDLX'es default ones to be shown. In that case, you should pass handle of your menus to Menu argument, and handle of the window (VB Form) to HWND parameter.

If you don't want context menu to be shown at all, then set Menu to 0.

More about context menus can be found here.

