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RemotePath property

Holds name of path on the server used for transferring.


A String value. Full path to a file/folder on the server.


  • Basic
object.RemotePath[= value]
The RemotePath(object,value) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodFtpDLX.
valueA String value. Full path on the server's side. (i.e. /home/joe/...)


This property specifies full path to a filename (or directory name) on remote server which will be used in a call to any of methods that require it. All the methods support setting RemotePath value as argument while calling the method, but you can also specify it here.

For example, PutFile method have two optional arguments: LocalFile and RemotePath. If you don't set RemotePath argument - you should specify it in this property prior to calling the method. If you specify it as the argument, wodFtpDLX will overwrite RemotePath property with the value you entered as the argument.

Upon successful Connect, wodFtpDLX will try to retrieve user's home path, and will initially store it to RemotePath property. So, accessing files/subfolders usually means you just have to append filenames/foldernames to this property.

