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AbortAborts current method.
AboutDisplays about box.
AppendDataDisplays about box.
AppendFileAppends to file on the server.
AppendFileFromAppends to file on the server, starting from specified local position.
CheckDirChecks if remote dir exists.
ClearCommandChannelSwitches to insecure command channel in FTPS protocol.
ConnectConnects to remote server.
DeleteFileDeletes file on the server.
DeleteFilesDelete multiple files in a sequence, recursive.
DisconnectDisconnects from remote server.
GetAttributesRetrieves file or folder attributes.
GetDataRetrieves contents of remote file to string variable.
GetDateRetrieves file or folder date.
GetFileRetrieves file or folder date.
GetFileAtReceives a file from the server, starting at given position.
GetFileAt64Receives a file from the server, starting at given position.
GetFilesDownloads multiple files in a sequence, recursive.
GetSizeRetrieves file or folder size.
ListDirLists contents of a directory on the server.
ListNamesLists names in the directory on the server.
LocalCRCCalculates integrity check of local file.
LoopFilesLoops through multiple files in a sequence, recursive, giving their names.
MakeDirCreates directory on the server.
PutDataStores data from string variable to remote file.
PutFileSends file to the server.
PutFileAtSends a file to the server, appending it at given position.
PutFileAt64Sends a file to the server, appending it at given position.
PutFilesUploads multiple files in a sequence, recursive.
RawReceivedPuts raw data to incoming queue as it was received from the server.
RawSendSends raw data to the server.
RefreshRefresh wodFtpDLX window.
RemoteCRCRequests integrity check of remote file.
RemoveDirRemoves directory from the server.
RenameRenames file or directory on the server.
SetAttributesSets attributes for a file or folder.
SetAttributes64Sets attributes for a file or folder
SiteExecutes SITE command on the server.

