Back to product page
- Introduction
- License agreement
- Getting Started
- Objects
- Enumerations
- wodFtpDLX
- Methods
- Abort
- About
- AppendData
- AppendFile
- AppendFileFrom
- CheckDir
- ClearCommandChannel
- Connect
- DeleteFile
- DeleteFiles
- Disconnect
- GetAttributes
- GetData
- GetDate
- GetFile
- GetFileAt
- GetFileAt64
- GetFiles
- GetSize
- ListDir
- ListNames
- LocalCRC
- LoopFiles
- MakeDir
- PutData
- PutFile
- PutFileAt
- PutFileAt64
- PutFiles
- RawReceived
- RawSend
- Refresh
- RemoteCRC
- RemoveDir
- Rename
- SetAttributes
- SetAttributes64
- Site
- Properties
- Account
- Arrange
- AscIITranslation
- Authentication
- BackColor
- Blocking
- BorderVisible
- BufferSize
- Certificate
- ClientName
- ColumnCount
- ColumnHeader
- Columns
- ColumnWidth
- Compression
- ContextMenu
- DirFormat
- DirItems
- Enabled
- Encryption
- EncryptionList
- ErrorText
- ForeColor
- HMacList
- Hostname
- IconView
- ItemSkip
- KeepAlive
- LastError
- ListItem
- ListParams
- LocalCertBag
- LocalPath
- Login
- MaxDataPort
- MaxTransferRate
- MinDataPort
- MyHostname
- MyIP
- Notification
- Passive
- Password
- PasvPort
- Port
- Protocol
- ProxyHostname
- ProxyLogin
- ProxyPassword
- ProxyPort
- ProxyType
- RemotePath
- Resume
- SecureMethod
- ShellIcons
- SmartGet
- SmartPut
- SortItems
- SSLCipherList
- State
- StateText
- StrictHost
- TabStop
- Tag
- Timeout
- Timezone
- TransferMode
- TransferRate
- TransferTime
- UseIPv6
- UTF8Encoding
- Version
- Events
- ActionCopy
- ActionDelete
- ActionDownload
- ActionMakeDir
- ActionNewFile
- ActionPaste
- ActionProperties
- ActionRename
- ActionSelect
- AfterViewChange
- Attributes
- Attributes64
- Banner
- BeforeViewChange
- Click
- ClientCertRequired
- Connected
- CryptoInformation
- DblClick
- Disconnected
- Done
- FileTransferData
- Focus
- FTPReply
- HostCertificate
- HostFingerprint
- KeyPress
- ListItems
- LoginChallenge
- LoopError
- LoopItem
- MenuClick
- PreTranslateCommand
- PreTranslateReply
- Progress
- Progress64
- ShowContextMenu
- SiteReply
- StateChange
- Methods
- IwodFtpNotify
- DirItem
- DirItems
- How to get support?
- Technical information
- Fast notifications interface
- Error list
- How to...
ActionCopy | Fires when user selects copy from the context menu. |
ActionDelete | Fires when user selects delete from the context menu. |
ActionDownload | Fires when user selects to download from the context menu. |
ActionMakeDir | Fires when user selects MakeDir from the context menu. |
ActionNewFile | Fires when user selects NewFile from the context menu. |
ActionPaste | Fires when user selects paste from the context menu. |
ActionProperties | Fires when user wants to view properties for the item. |
ActionRename | Fires when user selects rename from the context menu. |
ActionSelect | Fires when user selects specific item. |
AfterViewChange | Fires after wodFtpDLX view is changed. |
Attributes | Fires when wodFtpDLX retrieves file or directory attributes. |
Attributes64 | Fires when wodFtpDLX retrieves file or directory attributes. |
Banner | Fires when remote server provides banner text. |
BeforeViewChange | Fires before wodFtpDLX view is about to change. |
Click | Fires when use clicks on wodFtpDLX view. |
ClientCertRequired | Fires when server requires client certificate. |
Connected | Fires when wodFtpDLX connects to remote server. |
CryptoInformation | Fires with details on selected encryption protocols. |
DblClick | Fires when user double clicks on some item. |
Disconnected | Fires when wodFtpDLX disconnects from server. |
Done | Fires when wodFtpDLX finishes some method. |
FileTransferData | Fires during file transfer, allowing you to alter file contents. |
Focus | Fires when user selects the item. |
FTPReply | Fires when wodFtpDLX provides information about executed command and returned reply. |
HostCertificate | Fires when remote server provides its certificate. |
HostFingerprint | Fires when remote server provides public key fingerprint information. |
KeyPress | Fires when key was pressed. |
ListItems | Fires when server returns information about file or directory. |
LoginChallenge | Fires when the server requests the response to a login challenge. |
LoopError | Fires when the server requests the response to a login challenge. |
LoopItem | Fires before wodFtpDLX performs operation on file from the GetFiles/PutFiles/DeleteFiles/LoopFiles sequence. |
MenuClick | Fires when user right-clicks on a menu item. |
PreTranslateCommand | Fires before the command is sent to FTP server. |
PreTranslateReply | Fires before wodFtpDLX evaluates received reply from the server. |
Progress | Fires during file sending or receiving. |
Progress64 | Fires during file sending or receiving. |
ShowContextMenu | Fires before user opens context menu. |
SiteReply | Fires with result of SITE command. |
StateChange | Fires when wodFtpDLX changes its state. |