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Attributes64 event

Fires when wodFtpDLX retrieves file or directory attributes.


  • Basic
Private Sub object_Attributes64(SizeLo, SizeHi, Uid, Gid, Permissions, AccessTime, ModificationTime)
The Attributes64(object,SizeLo,SizeHi,Uid,Gid,Permissions,AccessTime,ModificationTime) syntax has these parts:
objectA wodFtpDLX object.
SizeLoA Long value. Lower long value of 64bit integer for file/directory size.
SizeHiA Long value. Higher long value of 64bit integer for file/directory size.
UidA Long value. User ownership for the file/directory.
GidA Long value. Group ownership for the file/directory.
PermissionsA Long value. Information about user/group rights.
AccessTimeA Date value. Determines last access time for the file/directory.
ModificationTimeA Date value. Determines last modification time for the file/directory.


This event is fired as a result of GetAttributes method call. Once server returns information about requested file/directory, it will be parsed by wodFtpDLX and provided using this notification method.
Permissions are defined by the POSIX standard. For a brief description please refer to the GetAttributes page.
If you are retrieving information for files larger than 4.2GB, where remote file size cannot be presented using a long value, the Attributes64 event will be fired instead of Attributes (the component will never call both of them). This is only done for compatibility with previous versions of our component. If you still want to use just one notification method, you should create code like this, that just wraps the new notification from the old one (code for VB):
Private Sub Ftp1_Attributes(ByVal Size As Long, ByVal Uid As Long, ByVal Gid As Long, ByVal Permissions As Long, ByVal AccessTime As Date, ByVal ModificationTime As Date)
         Sftp1_Attributes64 Owner, Size, 0, Uid, Gid, Permissions, AccessTime, ModificationTime
End Sub
Private Sub Ftp1_Attributes64(ByVal SizeLo As Long, ByVal SizeHi As Long, ByVal Uid As Long, ByVal Gid As Long, ByVal Permissions As Long, ByVal AccessTime As Date, ByVal ModificationTime As Date)
          ' add real code here
End Sub

WARNING: in protocols other than SFTP this notification will return only limited subset of available attributes. Since there is no common way to retrieve all of them, only Size and ModificationTime are provided. Other values will hold -1 value.

