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Abort method

Aborts current method.




  • Basic
The Abort(object) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodFtpDLX.


This method aborts method that is currently executing. This includes file and folder listings, such as ListDir, ListNames, GetFile, PutFile etc.. Once you start transfer and wish to abort it (for whatever reason), you should just call this method. After some short time (cannot happen immediately) your transfer will stop with an error 40551 (Transfer aborted) and you will be able to resume your operations later. Connection with the server will not be broken.

Aborting file transfer may not stop immediately - you should wait until Done event is fired in order to execute next command. NOTE that after Abort is executed, wodFtpDLX will send one PWD command. Not to be confused - wodFtpDLX isn't interested in current directory, but will collect possible non-collected reply (such as 426 Transfer aborted) from the server.

