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ProtocolsEnum enumeration

These constants define possible protocols that can be used in wodFtpDLX.


Typically, you will connect to insecure FTP server.
SFTP format is running over encrypted (and secured) SSH2 layer and is supported only for SSH2 servers.

FTPS is in other words FTP-SSL protocol which adds SSL layer arround FTP connection which encrypts it. You can choose whether you will use FTPSnodata (where data connection is not encrypted), or FTPSwithdata (which also encrypts data connection). FTPSnodata and FTPSwithdata also relate as 'Explicit FTPS protocol'. FTPSimplicit protocol is also secure, but supports connection on (usually) port 990, where FTP server is wrapped by SSL layer (and possibly even is not aware of it). In such connections, you cannot use Passive data transfer! This protocol is also known as 'Implicit FTPS protocol'.

Constant Value Description
FTP0 FTP protocol.
SFTP 1 SFTP protocol.
FTPSnodata2 FTP+SSL protocol with insecured data channel.
FTPSwithdata 3 FTP+SSL protocol with secured data channel.
FTPSimplicit4 FTP+SSL implicit on port 990.

