WeOnlyDo Software - developing .NET, COM and ActiveX components
Thank you very much for the rapid responses. I was a little nervous about dealing with a company that is on a different continent from me. You have proven my concerns to be unfounded.
Robert Pacheco
Surebridge, Inc.
Your professionalism is reflected into your email, your product and your web site. I am confident that these will make the difference.
Sylvain Paquette
R&D Analyst at InfoPharm Inc.
Congratulations on an excellent product and first rate support!
Sander Pool
Rhapsody Networks
You have been great as far as offering support is concerned and has been extremely responsive to both support requests and suggestions for product enhancements.
David Keenan
Serengeti Systems Incorporated
Congratulations on an excellent product and first rate support!
Sander Pool
Rhapsody Networks
Your professionalism is reflected into your email, your product and your web site. I am confident that these will make the difference.
Sylvain Paquette
R&D Analyst at InfoPharm Inc.
Your component works really great. With minor effort I have been able to convert my delphi application...
Gilles Hache
Cisco Systems Inc.
I really like these products - they are consistently first rate!
David Witten
WWR Development, Inc.
I've heard that you are amazing with your replies coming back so quickly - and now I've seen the speed in which you reply first hand.
Andrew Narracott
Sun Computer Consultancy
We are having great success with your component ... email server that has over 750 000 mailboxes back ended by a SQL server...