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Name property

Holds name of the file or directory.


A String value


  • Basic
object.Name[= value]
The Name(object,value) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type DirItem.
valueA String value.


This is probably most interesting property - it specifies name for the item, as defined by the server. Typically, this is the value you will enter when you want to download, upload, delete (etc..) file/folder.

This is also indexer property. When you access DirItems property to enumerate items, or you access specific item in that collection, you can access it also by item Name (this property) besides it's index ID. It is very useful if you need to obtain some specific property of the item, such as

If Name property contains non-english characters and you want it to be properly shown in your application, you may want to use UnicodeName property instead.

Just a reminder - you must call ListDir to get directory listing, and then access files through Ftp.DirItems property in order for this property to be available!

