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UploadFile notification

Called when user wants to upload file.


  • Basic
object.UploadFile Owner, User, RelativePath, ResolvedPath, Action
The UploadFile(object,Owner,User,RelativePath,ResolvedPath,Action) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodFTPDNotify.
OwnerA wodFTPDCom object. Reference to wodFTPServer instance that called this notification method.
UserA FtpUser object. Reference to user who wants to upload file.
RelativePathA String value. Path to the file, as seen by the user.
ResolvedPathA String value. Full path to the file on local system.
ActionA FtpActions enumeration, as described in settings. When set to Deny/SilentDeny, wodFTPServer denies this action.


NOTE: This method is called only if you implemented IwodFTPDNotify interface in your application, and wodFTPD.Notification property has received reference to instance of your implementation.

UploadFile notification method is called when connected users tries to upload file. Inside this method body, you get relative path to filename as provided by the client. wodFTPServer internally (using HomeDir property) tries to resolve this file and provides ResolvedPath argument that points to actual file on disk where file would be saved. At this point you can change ResolvedPath argument to something completely different - and cause client to upload file to different place.

If you set Action = Deny, then client will receive 'permission denied' error and will not be able to upload the file.

The settings for Action are
Constant Value Description
Deny0 Deny execution of the action.
Allow 1 Allow to execute action.
SilentDeny2 Silently deny execution of the action.
SilentAllow 3 Silently allow to execute action.

