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ListDirData notification

Called just before list items will be sent to the client.


  • Basic
object.ListDirData Owner, User, DirData(), NamesOnly
The ListDirData(object,Owner,User,DirData(),NamesOnly) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodFTPDNotify.
OwnerA wodFTPDCom object. Reference to wodFTPServer instance that called this notification method.
UserA FtpUser object. Reference to user who is listing directory contents.
DirData()An array of Byte values. Actual data as byte array (SAFEARRAY(unsigned char *) for VC++ users).
NamesOnlyA Boolean value. Determines if DirData contains only names, or full information in each line.


NOTE: This method is called only if you implemented IwodFTPDNotify interface in your application, and wodFTPD.Notification property has received reference to instance of your implementation.

ListDirData notification is called when client requests to see directory listing, but before it's sent to the client. This leaves you with room to change it if needed, to hide certain items, or add new ones.

If NamesOnly is set to True, it means that DirData argument contains only names of files/directories, not their detailed information (such as size, date, etc..) because the client requested data in this form.

You can change DirData any way you like - as long as it's valid Byte array. C++ users should declare it as SAFEARRAY(unsigned char) * to compile properly their applications.

We decided to present data as byte array because this produces the smallest overhead on the product. When directory contains many files (such as, for example, 30000), having DirData holding String variables could cause too much CPU usage on byte<>String conversion, which we wanted to avoid.

