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AuthenticationDetermines allowed/required authentication types.
BindIPHolds IP address used for listening.
BindIPTypeDetermines when component binds interface.
CertificateHolds private certificate/private key information.
DirFormatDefines directory format sent to the client.
EncryptionDetermines encryption algorithm to be used.
EncryptionListDetermines list of encryption algorithms in SFTP protocol supported and offered by wodFTPServer.
FileLockingDetermine how will new users lock files during file transfer.
FIPSSpecifies FIPS enabled libeay32.dll to load.
ForceUTF8Determines if UTF8 conversion is forced.
GoodbyeMessageMessage sent to the client before he disconnects.
GreetingMessageMessage sent to the client upon connection.
HMacListDetermines list of HMAC algorithms in SFTP protocol supported and offered by wodFTPServer.
HostKeyListHolds list of host key algorithms offered to clients.
KeyExchangeListDetermines list of key exchange algorithms supported and offered by wodFTPServer.
MaxDataPortSpecifies highest port that can be used for incoming data connections.
MinDataPortSpecifies lowest port that can be used for incoming data connections.
MonitorTransfersDetermines if FileTransferData event is fired during file upload/download.
MyHostnameHolds hostname of local computer.
MyIPHolds IP address of local computer.
NotificationFast notification interface to use instead of events.
PasvPortDetermines which outgoing port is used in PASV mode.
PortPort on local computer where FTPD listens for incoming connections.
ProtocolDetermines which protocol is used.
SecureDetermines which variation of SSL protocol is used.
ServerNameHolds identification for SFTP protocol.
SFTPVersionDetermines SFTP version number to report to clients.
StatusDetermines is server is active.
StrictDataIPDetermines if secondary (data) connection is restricted to same IP address as primary.
ThreadsDetermines if user's data connection is executed in separate thread.
TimeoutDetermines number of seconds before user is disconnected for inactivity.
UseIPv6Determines if wodFTPServer uses IPv6 protocol.
UsersHolds reference to collection of currently connected users.
VersionReturns version information.
VirtualFilesHolds global collection of virtual files.
VirtualFoldersHolds global collection of virtual folders.

