Authentication | Determines allowed/required authentication types. |
BindIP | Holds IP address used for listening. |
BindIPType | Determines when component binds interface. |
Certificate | Holds private certificate/private key information. |
DirFormat | Defines directory format sent to the client. |
Encryption | Determines encryption algorithm to be used. |
EncryptionList | Determines list of encryption algorithms in SFTP protocol supported and offered by wodFTPServer. |
FileLocking | Determine how will new users lock files during file transfer. |
FIPS | Specifies FIPS enabled OpenSSL configuration to load. |
ForceUTF8 | Determines if UTF8 conversion is forced. |
GoodbyeMessage | Message sent to the client before he disconnects. |
GreetingMessage | Message sent to the client upon connection. |
HMacList | Determines list of HMAC algorithms in SFTP protocol supported and offered by wodFTPServer. |
HostKeyList | Holds list of host key algorithms offered to clients. |
KeyExchangeList | Determines list of key exchange algorithms supported and offered by wodFTPServer. |
MaxDataPort | Specifies highest port that can be used for incoming data connections. |
MinDataPort | Specifies lowest port that can be used for incoming data connections. |
MonitorTransfers | Determines if FileTransferData event is fired during file upload/download. |
MyHostname | Holds hostname of local computer. |
MyIP | Holds IP address of local computer. |
Notification | Fast notification interface to use instead of events. |
PasvPort | Determines which outgoing port is used in PASV mode. |
Port | Port on local computer where FTPD listens for incoming connections. |
Protocol | Determines which protocol is used. |
Secure | Determines which variation of SSL protocol is used. |
ServerName | Holds identification for SFTP protocol. |
SFTPVersion | Determines SFTP version number to report to clients. |
Status | Determines is server is active. |
StrictDataIP | Determines if secondary (data) connection is restricted to same IP address as primary. |
Threads | Determines if user's data connection is executed in separate thread. |
Timeout | Determines number of seconds before user is disconnected for inactivity. |
UseIPv6 | Determines if wodFTPServer uses IPv6 protocol. |
Users | Holds reference to collection of currently connected users. |
Version | Returns version information. |
VirtualFiles | Holds global collection of virtual files. |
VirtualFolders | Holds global collection of virtual folders. |