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Certificate Properties

BitCountHolds number of bits used in key derivation.
CommonNameHolds common name of the owner.
CountryHolds country name information.
DataHolds raw certificate data.
EmailHolds email address of the owner.
FriendlyNameHolds friendly name of the certificate.
HandleReturns MS PCCERT_CONTEXT handle.
HasPrivateKeyDetermines if certificate has associated private key.
IssuerHolds issuer certificate.
IssuerCommonNameHolds common name of the issuer.
IssuerCountryHolds country name of the issuer.
IssuerEmailHolds email address of the issuer.
IssuerLocalityHolds locality of the issuer.
IssuerOrganizationHolds organization of the issuer.
IssuerStateHolds state of the issuer.
IssuerTextHolds text of the issuer.
IssuerUnitHolds organization unit of the issuer.
LocalityHolds locality information.
OrganizationHolds organization name.
PrivateKeyHolds raw private key.
PublicKeyReturns raw public key.
PublicKeyOpenSSHReturns public key in OpenSSH format.
PublicKeyRSA1Returns public key in SSH1 format.
PublicKeySSHReturns public key in SSH2 format.
SerialNumberHolds serial number.
SerialNumberDecHolds serial number as decimal representation (for large 20-byte serial numbers).
SerialNumberHexHolds friendly name of the certificate.
StateHolds state information.
TextHolds text of the certificate.
UnitHolds organization unit.
ValidFromDetermines starting date since certificate is valid.
ValidToDetermines ending date until certificate is valid.
VersionHolds certificate version.

