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Load method

Loads certificate from the file.




  • Basic
object.Load Filename, [Password]
The Load(object,Filename,Password) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type Certificate.
FilenameRequired. A String value. Full path to certificate file on local computer.
PasswordOptional. A Variant value. Password to open saved certificate.


Load method will try to load in memory previously saved certificate (using Save method, or with some 3rd party program). File should be accessible and readable by yourself in a time when Load is requested.

If Load is successful, Certificate will discard old one (if any) stored in memory. Any data not previously saved will be lost.

Saved certificates should be in PEM format - base64 encoded data surrounded by header lines. It is widely supported by both OpenSSL and MS CryptoAPI.

Since version, wodCertificate can also load PKCS12 PFX files. Since those files may contain more than one certificate, it is advised you should use LoadKey first to load private key from PFX file, and then call this method on same file. wodCertificate will load matching certificate only, if found.

