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CmdAfterExecutes command after file is replaced.
CmdBeforeExecutes command before file is replaced.
CompressedExecutes command before file is replaced.
DateReturns creation date information from local file.
MD5Returns MD5 hash of the current file.
ModificationDateReturns modification date information from local file.
MyVersionHolds local version of the file.
MyVersionIntProvides indexed access to local version information.
NameHolds name of the file.
NeedReplaceDetermines if file should be replaced or not.
NewDateHolds creation date information from the new file.
NewMD5Returns MD5 hash of the new file.
NewModificationDateHolds modification date from the new file.
NewPathHolds temporary path where new version is stored.
NewVersionHolds new version of the file, available on the server.
NewVersionIntProvides indexed access to remote new version information.
PathHolds full path to local file.
PermissionsSets or reads permissions on a file for the user/group..
ProcessesReturns collection of processes that use this file.
RegisterDetermines if file should be registered as COM server.
SizeHolds remote file size.
UncompressedSizeHolds original uncompressed file size.
URLHolds URL from where can new file be downloaded.

