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NeedReplace property

Determines if file should be replaced or not.


A Boolean value


  • Basic
object.NeedReplace [= value]
The NeedReplace(object,value) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type UpdFile.
valueA Boolean value.


This property determines if wodAppUpdate will replace this file or not. After Check method is called and list of available files is retrieved from the server, wodAppUpdate component will check if local files have lower version number than what is available on the server. If it is, NeedReplace will be set to True and these files will be replaced when Update method is called.

You can also, of course, manually change this value if you want to force some file to be replaced - or you want to set it to False so file is never replaced.

Leaving this value "as is" is usually the best choice for automatic updates.

