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Getting Started in Delphi

Working with the COM object or ActiveX control


Working with the COM object

In order to insert wodAppUpdate COM object in your project, follow these steps:

1. Install the component on your system by starting its setup program.

2. In the Borland Delphi Compiler IDE, create project or open existing one.

4. Click on 'Project', then on 'Import Type Library' menu

5. Find 'WeOnlyDo! COM Update Component' and click on 'Install' button

6. You will be prompted to create and build package for wodAppUpdate, answer with Yes

7. You should see an icon in Component Palette on ActiveX Component's tab representing wodAppUpdate control

8. You can drag&drop wodAppUpdate'es icon to your form

9. Do not forget to distribute wodAppUp.DLL when using COM object!

Working with the ActiveX control

In order to insert wodAppUpdate ActiveX control in your project, follow these steps:

1. Install the component on your system by starting its setup program.

2. In the Borland Delphi Compiler IDE, create new project or open existing one.

3. Click on 'Components', then on 'Import ActiveX Control' menu

4. Find the 'WeOnlyDo! COM Update ActiveX Control' and select it, then click on 'Install' button

6. You will be prompted to create and build package for wodAppUpdate, answer with Yes

7. You should see an icon in Component Palette on ActiveX Component's tab representing wodAppUpdate control

8. You can drag&drop wodAppUpdate'es icon to your form

9. Do not forget to distribute wodAppUp.OCX when using ActiveX control!