Are there any limitation of roster count? (ActiveX - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Are there any limitation of roster count? (ActiveX (wodXMPP)

by madkoala, Monday, February 01, 2010, 15:51 (5221 days ago)

Are there any limitation in roster count?
I added about 900 rosters. (Using ActiveX GUI)
When I use general treeview in C#, then it works fine.
But when I use ActiveX GUI, it stops responding
when I call Disconnect() method.

But, if roster count is small (about 10 ~ 20) it works fine.
So, if there are any limitation in ActiveX GUI,
please let me know. If any, I should work with general treeview control.


Re: Are there any limitation of roster count? (Act

by woddrazen, Monday, February 01, 2010, 15:57 (5221 days ago) @ madkoala


Is there any chance we can duplicate this?

Is it maybe possible that you give us some account where we can duplicate this problem? I think it will be hard to add 900 contacts on a list.

If this is possible you can send your private information to


Re: Are there any limitation of roster count? (Act

by madkoala, Monday, February 01, 2010, 16:01 (5221 days ago) @ woddrazen

I sent an email with my private server login informations.