Reverse SSH Tunnel possible? - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Reverse SSH Tunnel possible? (wodSSHTunnel)

by Henry Gronson, Tuesday, April 01, 2014, 02:56 (3702 days ago) @ Henry Gronson

Well, i managed to solve it, here is what i did

private void wodSSHTunnel1_Connected() {
wodSSHTunnel1.Channels.Add(wodSSHTunnelCOMLib.ForwardTypesEnum.LocalListen, "",81,"",80);
wodSSHTunnel1.Channels.Add(wodSSHTunnelCOMLib.ForwardTypesEnum.RemoteListen, "", 80, "",81);

i can wget on the public server and i get the index page on my private server, but now i want others to access that page too, but it seems that port is open only on the loopback interface. Here is netstat -anp | grep 81 output:

tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2222/sshd
tcp 0 0 ::1:81 :::* LISTEN 2222/sshd

Can o open port 81 on all interfaces from SSHTunnel? or do i need to forward another port let's say 82(on all interfaces) to port 81 on my public server so that it is available to all.


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