Small problem with public RDP - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Small problem with public RDP (wodVPN)

by wodSupport, Monday, March 03, 2014, 16:28 (3730 days ago) @ taliasimoneaux01

Hmm. We don't currently have PHP version of mediator, only C script that runs on port 8001 on our mediator server. Also, this is not TCP mediator in any way, it still is used only for UDP and hole punching technique.

What hostname are you referring to? You should be able to use also FQDN hostname and IP address, whatever you prefer.

To specify 'peeraddress' argument in Link method (if that is what you refer to), check out what's returned in SearchDone - this is how it looks like.

BTW please let's continue devP2P discussion by email (techsupport) since it doesn't apply anymore to wodVPN and could confuse forum readers.


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