OS requirements and run as a service - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

OS requirements and run as a service (wodVPN)

by wodSupport, Friday, February 28, 2014, 07:15 (3734 days ago) @ taliasimoneaux01


Let me try to help and answer your questions:

1) THere are no requirements for wodVPN, in wodVPN.dll is all there is needed

2) In theory yes, but not very good idea. All about mediators is to have outgoing port assigned by your firewall/router close to one that will be used for P2P connection. If you wait days between one assigned for mediator, and one assigned for P2P, they will be hard to guess by remote side. I strongly suggest some sort of presence algorithm before making a connection.

3) No, sorry, but I guess basic sample for service will so, just create new project with Visual Studio and that's it. Make sure it contains "message pump" and not call Thread.Sleep because wodVPN has to process messages since it lives in same thread as your main code

4) No need to install anything. One side implements Proxy server, so you can point your clients using SOCKS to wodVPN, it will negotiate where to connect, and when it finishes proxy negotiation, it will route through remote wodVPN to the destination

5) it's up to you. You can define internal mechanism for that, and then send message from one wodVPN to other one, and process it by yourself in some way

6) Interop is a wrapper made by NET framework, and it's out of our control. It will be generated on all windowses. You must register wodVPN as everyone other COM/ActiveX. I doubt you can avoid it, and I doubt you will be able to use 3rd party software "mergerer" for COM. In theory, you could purchase the source and embedd it directly, but source is pure native C++ and you will not be able to link it statically with NET apps.

7) No, unfortunately you cannot avoid the DLL. As mentioned in 6, you could rebuild if you wish but I'm not sure how you will statically link with C# code.

Hope I helped at least a bit!


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