Re: I need a peer to peer connection exclusively f - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: I need a peer to peer connection exclusively f (General questions)

by nivinbas, Wednesday, April 03, 2013, 05:35 (4065 days ago) @ wodsupport

Hi. I tried to explain the benefit - wodVPN doesn't require static IP addresses, and both sides can be behind firewall.

I already know wodVPN doesn't requires static IP, many of my customers are using static IP which is expensive and complex to configure and iam gonna explain them about your solution so apart from the zero configuration what all advantages does wodVPN have over static IP connection ? thats my real question means

And again you didn't answer my second question. Let me be more specific this time i.e you said

wodVPN1.Channels.Add LocalListed, , 1433, , 1433

so local wodVPN instance listens on local 1433, and reidrects all connecton to remote wodVPN, which then redirects htem to his-side

so does the above solution requires me to install you weonlydo virtual network adaptor ?

Hope you will be answering all my questions this time [:wink:]

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