Re: Posting to Twitter - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Posting to Twitter (General questions)

by wodDamir, Thursday, October 13, 2011, 15:39 (4612 days ago) @ dirk


If HTTP protocol is used, then yes. It's possible. However, form what you can see immediately upon opening it uses JavaScript for logging etc.

wodHttpDLX doesn't process or understand JavaScript. With that in mind, there could be certain parameters generated by Javascript (such as variables and/or cookies etc) that wouldn't be generated when wodHttpDLX is used. With that in mind, you would need to manually parse it and provide wodHttpDLX with necessary details.

However, looking at resources available, there's a whole API for developers documentation available at Twitter developers which I would suggest you check out.

We don't have a sample of this process, since it's not really a *sample*, but would rather have to be an extensive application.


Complete thread:


  • Posting to Twitter - dirk, 2011-10-13, 15:23 [*]
    • Re: Posting to Twitter - wodDamir, 2011-10-13, 15:39