Re: FTPServer seems to crash except when Control.T - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: FTPServer seems to crash except when Control.T (General questions)

by wodDamir, Wednesday, April 07, 2010, 21:05 (5156 days ago) @ Investor


To start with, can you please try the latest version?

As for using Notification interface in VB.Net, you should declare the component similiar to this:

[code] Implements wodFTPDComLib.IwodFTPDNotify
Dim FtpD As wodFTPDComLib.wodFTPDCom[/code]

and then initialize the component:

[code] FtpD = New wodFTPDComLib.wodFTPDCom
FtpD.Notification = Me[/code]

As for each notification method, I would suggest using Object Browser. You can simply c/p each method from there into your code. Method declaration will look like this:

[code] Sub ChangeDir(ByVal Owner As wodFTPDComLib.wodFTPDCom, ByVal User As wodFTPDComLib.FtpUser, ByVal RelativePath As String, ByRef ResolvedPath As String, ByRef Action As wodFTPDComLib.FtpActions) Implements Global.wodFTPDComLib.IwodFTPDNotify.ChangeDir
' body for this method must exist, even empty
End Sub

Sub Command(ByVal Owner As wodFTPDComLib.wodFTPDCom, ByVal User As wodFTPDComLib.FtpUser, ByRef CmdLine As String) Implements wodFTPDComLib.IwodFTPDNotify.Command
' body for this method must exist, even empty
End Sub[/code]

Can you try that, and check if the same persists. If the same still occurs, can you please try setting DebugFile property to point to some file on your disk? This will create a debug file, which will hopefully give us more info on what happens.


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