Licensing error - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Licensing error (General questions)

by Dan, Monday, July 26, 2004, 23:49 (7237 days ago)

Get a licensing error on attempting to connect.
Using the trial version.
no license file in my project.

An unhandled error occured
System.Exception: Could not read licensing data. If running from ASPX please contact at q.w() at WeOnlyDo.Client.SSH.Connect() at BandwidthData.Ssh.ExecuteCommand(String command) in ssh.cs:line 26 at ....

Sample code:

SSH sshClient = new SSH();
sshClient.Login = abc ;
sshClient.Password = abc ;
sshClient.Encryption = SSH.EncryptionMethods.Auto;
sshClient.Hostname = ;
sshClient.Blocking = true;
string result = sshClient.Execute(command);
return result;

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